
Promotion of Democratic Values and Defense of Human Rights

Promotion of Democratic Values and Defense of Human Rights

‘El bello árbol Petare’ challenges the traditional perspective of human rights: in Venezuela in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, in district of Caracas that is the most populous neighborhood with the highest rate of violence in Latin America. ‘El bello árbol Petare’ promotes human rights to education on site. 

An analysis of schoolchildren attending "Directed Tasks", a low-cost private educational service offered by the community/

The human right to education is the focus of the non-profit citizens' association ‘Un Estado de Derecho’ (UED). Through field studies, the association tries to find out to what extent the residents of the neighborhood make use of the right to education through their own initiatives. The UED found that 40 % of the schoolchildren in this neighborhood attend low-cost private education services offered by educators from the community. 

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Andean Countries made a significant contribution to this exciting finding by supporting the first educational freedom course ‘El bello árbol Petare’. As a result of the observation, UED contacted 20 key educational actors in Petare between October and December 2021. Among these were 14 entrepreneurial community teachers and 6 community decision-makers. These Petare activists were subsequently trained in educational concepts.

In addition to the UED's research in Petare, another field study was initiated in the small town of Montalbán in the state of Carabobo, 220 kilometers from the Venezuelan capital. The results of both studies - in Petare and in Montalbán - demonstrate the unstoppable emergence of spontaneous and low-cost educational concepts in broad sectors of society. Through voluntary work, the poorest people in an impoverished nation are trying to compensate for the inefficient and ideologized state education system. They are devising effective solutions independently of the government to achieve the quality that is denied them in public education. 

The Venezuelan Academic Association assesses this emergence of an ungoverned educational order and rightly asks: what can be done to promote these emerging, hopeful forms of human rights self-protection? ‘El bello árbol Petare’ already provides the first answers to this question.

Students and teachers of the Maria Montessori Pedagogical Center/

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