
Human Rights Defenders 2022

”I cannot complain about injustice in our state or our society, if I do not stand up and do something against it.”

Hina Jilani, Pakistan

”I cannot complain about injustice in our state or our society, if I do not stand up and do something against it.”

Hina Jilani, Pakistan

Biased Judgement

A fight for democratic values and human rights. On the one hand, honorable and brave, and on the other, risky and life-threatening. Lawyers around the world fight for peace, justice, human rights and the rule of law. In doing so, they put themselves in great risk, are threatened, persecuted and even arrested in repressive regimes.

To draw attention to the challenging realities of everyday life for human rights defenders, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) has launched The Human Rights Defenders (HRD) publication series. Each year, a specific thematic and geographic focus is placed on HRDs, outlining their lives, stories, missions, achievements, and challenges.

This year, the focus is on lawyers and legal practitioners as human rights defenders. Human rights lawyers are fundamental in effective elimination and remedy of human rights violation via different forms of legal protection, e.g. legal aid, victims’ representation, meaningful access to justice, etc. Nevertheless, they often face enormous challenges in performing their peaceful and pro-democracy conduct, i.e. they are threatened, denied access to the courtrooms, arbitrarily arrested, sent to prison and exile, or even murdered. 

With the pro-democracy approach, the HRDs publication looks at countries and regions where the FNF is directly or indirectly involved via its regional and project offices to inform a larger audience at the regional and international levels about the situation of human rights violations. It further draws attention to the critical issues arising for HRDs as well as their undeniable impact on the promotion of human rights and liberal values via policy-oriented discussions intended at changes on the ground. 

Ein Angebot der

Justice and accountability

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