Human Rights


The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) contributes to improving the situation with more than 60 offices around the world, not only in the fight against impunity, but also in the promotion of women's rights and diversity, among other things. The Foundation supports human rights education for human rights defenders, activists and their partners around the world. This report shows just a sample of the FNF's liberal human rights work in 2023.

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) contributes to improving the situation with more than 60 offices around the world, not only in the fight against impunity, but also in the promotion of women's rights and diversity, among other things. The Foundation supports human rights education for human rights defenders, activists and their partners around the world. This report shows just a sample of the FNF's liberal human rights work in 2023.

Previous editions

Previous editions

  • Edition 2022

    Liberal Human Rights Work 2022

  • Edition 2021

    Liberal Human Rights Work 2021

  • Edition 2020

    Liberal Human Rights Work 2020

  • Edition 2019

    Liberal Human Rights Work 2019

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