Sub-Saharan Africa 

Let’s Talk Human Rights! 16 Days of Activism with Barbara Itungo Kyagulanyi

Let’s Talk Human Rights! 16 Days of Activism with Barbara Itungo Kyagulanyi

Podcast – Barbara Itungo Kyagulanyi talks about human rights violations in her home country, Uganda 

Strenghtening women’s rights in Sub-Saharan Africa is a goal of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). In FNF’s popular podcast ‚Let’s Talk Human Rights‘, an important voice in Uganda, Barbara Itungo Kyagulanyi, shares her personal journey - as an activist, wife of the country’s most popular opposition politician, and ordinary citizen of Uganda. 

In the podcast, she relives her frightening encounter with the military, which took place soon after the general elections in January 2021. Both Barbara and her husband, Bobi Wine, were placed under house arrest for a total of 11 days. They were substantially deprived of food, water, electricity as well as their cell phones. Barbara was also subjected to physical violence at the hands of soldiers. All of this took place while a 2-year-old child, Barbara’s niece, was in their care. 

Later on, in the podcast, Barbara goes on to discuss the conservative ways in which young girls are raised and continue to be raised in Uganda which, she states, entrench traditional gender roles and stereotypes. 

Furthermore, Barbara takes us through her vision of a Uganda she wishes to see for her own and all children of Uganda. A Uganda where children have the right to be children, without the burdens they currently bear, where they experience equal opportunities to realize their full potential. 

Child labor is a scourge that plagues Uganda, and is especially common among young girls who do not attend and finish school. This has a direct link to increased teenage pregnancies. Those further disadvantages girls as they seldom, if ever return to school. The work Barbara does through her organization, the Caring Hearts Foundationoffers young girls the opportunity to find their strength and independence through various upskilling initiatives.

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Women’s rights

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