


John Allan Namu

John Allan Namu

John Allan Namu

Investigative Journalist

Investigative Journalist

Investigative Journalist


John Allan Namu

Investigative Journalist

„It is stories like hers that remind me of the immense power journalism holds in bringing about change and seeking justice for the most vulnerable.”

– John Allan Namu –


John Allan Namu is an investigative journalist who has risen through the ranks of journalism to own a media organization that focuses on investigative reporting. He is feted globally for daring to unmask corruption, human rights abuses and other violations. The multi-award winning journalist is also celebrated for being at the forefront defendingfreedom of press. He recently released a memoir – The joy in the struggle – in which he shares his journey to becoming an important voice in investigative journalists and challenges he faces. 

John Allan Namu: Illuminating Paths to Justice Through Investigative Journalism

In the realm of journalists as human rights defenders, one name shines brightly: John-Allan Namu. With an illustrious career spanning 18 years, Namu has cemented his place as a renowned investigative journalist. His unwavering commitment to shedding light on human rights issues has made him a beacon of hope for the marginalized and oppressed. Through his relentless pursuit of truth and unwavering dedication to justice, Namu has become a catalyst for change in Kenya.

Namu's journalistic journey has been marked by a diverse range of investigations, many of which revolve around the core principles of human rights. From exposing the impact of war profiteering on vulnerable refugees from South Sudan to unmasking cases of extrajudicial executions and police brutality, his work has laid bare the injustices that plague the Kenyan society. He has fearlessly delved into the abuses of the right to health perpetrated by corporations and individuals, shining a light on the plight of those who suffer silently. Namu's unwavering focus on the broader implications of these issues underpins his commitment to advocating for the rights of the wider public. When asked about his inspiration, Namu humbly stated,

"I never considered myself a human rights defender while practicing journalism. However, upon reflection, it is clear that the majority of the stories my colleagues and I have pursued have dealt with human rights issues."

His dedication to reducing harm to living beings and the environment serves as a driving force in his pursuit of justice. Witnessing the triumph of justice for those who have been mistreated fuels his passion, as does seeing the tireless efforts of individuals committed to such causes receive the recognition they rightfully deserve.

John Allan Namu's contributions as an investigative journalist have made a profound impact on promoting democracy, the rule of law, and human rights. Through Africa Uncensored, the organization he co-founded, he has undertaken numerous groundbreaking investigations that have extensively exposed injustices. One such documentary, "Justice be our shield," investigates the tragic triple murders of a human rights lawyer, his client, and their taxi driver. From its initial coverage in 2016 to its follow-up developments in 2022, Namu's unyielding determination to shed light on this heinous crime earned him accolades. The documentary won the prestigious award for the best digital investigative story at the 2023 Annual Journalism Excellence Awards in Nairobi. This recognition further solidified his position as a trailblazer in the field of investigative journalism.

Reflecting on the impact of his work, Namu shares a deeply personal story.

"One story that remains close to my heart is that of a young girl who endured abuse at the hands of her own parents. The struggle to obtain justice for her spanned five arduous years, and I dedicated myself to reporting on her story. It is stories like hers that remind me of the immense power journalism holds in bringing about change and seeking justice for the most vulnerable."

Yet, Namu's path as an investigative journalist is not without challenges. The pervasive state-engineered obstacles he faces in his work present significant hurdles. Accessing vital information held by various governments across Africa demands an extra dose of tenacity and effort. The reluctance to disclose crucial data that should be available to the public often forces Namu and his team to invest additional time and resources in their investigations. Despite these impediments, his resolve remains unshaken. In 2018, he recognized the rising menace of misinformation and its threat to credible journalism. In response, he founded one of Kenya's pioneering websites dedicated to fact checking. The mission was twofold: to debunk misinformation; and to equip his team with the necessary skills to deliver accurate and credible information, ensuring that the truth prevails.

The shrinking freedom of press, diminishing space for the civil society, rampant corruption, and unbridled impunity plaguing the region cast a somber shadow over Namu's work. Rather than surrendering to despondency, he sees these challenges as catalysts for even greater efforts.

Namu laments that, "it is disheartening to witness the undoing of progress, especially by those wielding power in Africa. However, it only fuels our determination to report on these issues tirelessly."

He believes that both journalists and the public should refuse to tolerate such mediocrity, urging that those who perpetrate impunity should face the full rule of the law. Namu is acutely aware of the damaging narratives that arise from these circumstances, which paint Africa as a bastion of corruption and lawlessness. He asserts that much of the impunity and corruption in Africa is underwritten by external actors with vested interests in exploiting the continent. To combat this, Namu emphasizes the need to elevate the question of corruption beyond Africa's borders, holding accountable not only the sponsors, but also the systems that enable corruption and hinder Africa's progress.

John Allan Namu's tireless pursuit of justice, truth, and human rights through investigative journalism is an inspiration to all. He has fearlessly ventured into the depths of darkness, bringing to light the injustices that haunt society. With unwavering dedication, he challenges the status quo, amplifying the voices of the marginalized and demanding accountability from those in power. Namu's enduring legacy serves as a reminder that journalism has the power to ignite change, illuminate paths to justice, and shape a brighter future for all.

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