


Dance with the Fire

Dance with the Fire

Dance with the Fire


Dance with the Fire

Niloofar Hamedi (L), Elahe Mohammadi (R), Tehran. Iran. November 8, 2022.

Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi are two journalists in Iran who have been imprisoned since the beginning of the “Woman Life Freedom” movement. Niloofar Hamedi has reported on the death of a young Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, at Kasra Hospital in Tehran. Elahe Mohammadi went to her hometown of Saghez in Kurdistan and reported on her funeral. Shortly after, they were both arrested. For months, they were detained in a fully unclear situation. Only recently it became clear that their case was being tried by the death judge "Ghazi Salavati". Elahe and Niloofar are accused of acting against the national security of the country and that they are agents of the USA. Completely groundless. Both journalists have officially worked in Iran. Both have written for authorized journals in Iran; and their work is very limited anyway, because freedom of the media and expression does not factually exist in Iran.

Another case is Nazila Marofian. She interviewed with the father of Mahsa Amini. She is arrested for this and has already been sentenced to two years in prison. Recently she published a photo of herself without a hijab and because of this, she was not only threatened but also fired from her job. 

These are two examples of journalists' work in Iran. It is almost impossible for a journalist in Iran to have a neutral relationship with politics. Everything in Iran is political and journalistic work itself is a risk. Unless you work as a propagandist of the state and denounce the opponents of the state directly and indirectly as expected by the regime. More than a hundred journalists have been arrested, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). In the meantime, many of them have been released on bail. Dance with the Fire, if you try to work as an independent journalist in Iran.

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