
YouTube and Global Platforms

YouTube and Global Platforms

In this International Journalists and Media Dialogue (IJMD) publication, the two investigative journalists, book authors and intelligence experts, Irina Borogan and Andrei Soldatov, describe a phenomenon of our time, which is at the same time as old as humankind, namely, the struggle of a small group against a supremacy of hatred and indifference towards freedom. In the current phase of this struggle, journalists and activists are acting together against the tyranny of a power usurper: information against propaganda, free access to education, and the right to one's own opinion against a state-supervised view of the world in a state hijacked by criminal power structures. 

The internationally widespread social media portals, which cannot be controlled by Putin's organs and are partly used by them, have become an open battlefield in Russia. In Ukraine in particular – but also in the virtual world of today's news dissemination, fact checking and podcasts – the battle for Russia's future is taking place. This is precisely why the attempt by independent Russian-language media professionals to counter Putin's information war with quality journalism is an opportunity for all of us. The home-grown Russian media in exile on YouTube and other global platforms that oppose Russia's war of aggression and Putin's imperialism are not giving up hope that another Russia may be possible, and are leading by example. They appeal to their compatriots to stop following the regime, to take note of the war crimes, and to get Putin to back down through civil disobedience and conscientious objection - Borogan and Soldatov show how and why it started.

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Freedom of expression and the media

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