
#BEFREE FEST: With Art to Freedom

#BEFREE FEST: With Art to Freedom

Hundreds of freedom activists interested in art visited Chişinău in October and November 2022. The International Festival of Contemporary Arts #BEFREE FEST was celebrated there for the fourth year in a row. This festival is the biggest festival of its kind so far; including nine cultural events with the participation of artistic groups from Germany (Berlin), Austria (Vienna), Romania (Bucharest and Sibiu), and of course from the Republic of Moldova (Chişinău). While the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) was the only sponsor in the beginning, the festival is now supported by a variety of different partners, such as the Goethe-Institut, the Romanian Cultural Institute, the UNHCR and the Austrian Embassy.

#BEFREE offers the public a week of reflection on freedom through art and is an invitation to celebrate #Art through a unique combination of #Theatre, #Dance, #Film and #Music under the umbrella of the #PowerOfFreedom. The festival contests the current state of affairs and strives against social patterns through art. We believe that art is the true expression of freedom. Art can destroy social prejudices and simplify the message we want to convey, which goes beyond the differences between us, and it can inspire people to talk about true values of society.

Despite Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, despite a period full of restrictions throughout the duration of the pandemic, which, among other things, hit hard in the cultural scene, the festival aims to inspire courage, hope, and power. Throughout the event, the festival aimed to mobilize and offer moral support to the refugees from #Ukraine, who were invited in large numbers to all of the cultural events that took place.

The project is designed to be an annual FNF event in the Republic of Moldova to bring together artists in the fight for Anti-Discrimination and Equality through Theater, Film and Music.

Blue Moon follows the psychological journey of a young woman towards her process of dehumanization. In an attempt to pursue higher education and escape the violence of her dysfunctional family, lrina transforms from victim to aggressor as a result of the subtle aggression she must endure. An ambiguous sexual experience with an artist leads her to fight against any type of aggression and pursue her goal of running away to Bucharest.

The film Siberia to the bones is built on the confessions of four protagonists who were picked up and forcibly sent to Siberia in the second wave of deportations, on the night of 6 to 7 July 1949. Each segment has a separate story, and as a whole, they point to the horrors and the dramas that tens of thousands of Moldovans went through during the Stalinist period. All events in this film are true.

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