







"People who stand up for democracy in authoritarian systems need and deserve our support."

Many brave individuals risk their lives to fight for democracy in their countries. They remain unwavering in their convictions, striving for a life in freedom for themselves and others free from fear, constant surveillance, and the risk of being persecuted and imprisoned for expressing any political views.

We are reminded of Alexei Navalny’s tireless efforts against corruption and autocracy in Russia, his unbroken courage after the Russian intelligence service’s poison attack, and how he continued to inspire others from within the penal colony until the intolerable living conditions and solitary confinement there led to his death – a fate seemingly accepted by the regime. Navalny sacrificed his life for a democratic Russia. Many other Russian opposition figures are imprisoned, subjected to inhumane treatment and torture. This includes Vladimir Kara-Murza, who survived two poison attacks but was sentenced to 25 years in a penal colony for his political activism. He was recently released as part of a prisoner exchange, along with Ilya Yashin and others.

Narges Mohammadi, the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, continues to fight in Iran – even behind bars – against the brutal Iranian regime of oppression and violation of women's and human rights. The perseverance of Kara-Murza and Narges Mohammadi highlights the profound impact that the voice of an individual can have in the global struggle for human rights and democracy.

The challenges facing human rights defenders and advocates of democracy are immense, as they are for the courageous women fighting for justice and equality. They often face not only state-sponsored violence, persecution, and imprisonment but also insidious tactics on an international level. Authoritarian regimes employ surveillance, harassment, and even transnational attacks to silence dissents who have sought refuge abroad, brazenly violating international law – a fact that does not trouble Putin and his cronies. These actions significantly undermine the foundations of global human rights protection and democratic structures.

There is an unprecedented need for support and initiatives at the international level. Dictators must be confronted with all the legal and political tools available. This includes sanctions, enforcement of international criminal law, and political support for democracy and freedom activists, as well as creating public awareness.

The voices advocating for democracy should be amplified. Strengthening the current international order is crucial for the systematic protection of victims and the preservation of humanity's invaluable heritage – the democratic form of government.

In this publication, you will learn more about the personal lives, motivations, beliefs, actions, and ongoing struggles of courageous dissidents and human rights defenders, as well as their thoughts on increasing protection and support, and the current regional and global discourse. They are fighting not only for their respective countries but also for the universal values of freedom, justice, and human dignity.

I invite you to read this publication. May you be inspired by these remarkable individuals to support human rights.

Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger
Deputy Chair of the Board of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom;
Former Federal Minister of Justice of Germany

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