
Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Pro-Democracy Activists

For the better protection and strengthening of human rights defenders and pro-democracy activists, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights recommends the following measures:

Articulation of international Standards – The Declaration+25:

The Declaration+25 is an initiative that provides a pivotal update to the 1989 UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. Launched on 19 June 2024, the Declaration+25 serves as a call to action for governments, organizations and individuals to uphold and advance the standards set by both the original Declaration and the updated document. This new document has been the result of consultations with over 700 human rights defenders from various regions and backgrounds, alongside experts and lawyers.

Declaration+25 aims to address evolving threats and challenges faced by human rights defenders, including pro-democracy activists. While the UN Declaration establishes rights for individuals and responsibilities for states, the Declaration+25 serves as supplement to the former, to address newly emerged issues, reflecting changes in activism and defenders' experiences. To maximize the impact of the Declaration+25, stakeholders are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the document and its jurisprudential annotations, which provide legal context for each principle. Spreading awareness and engaging in campaigns like #Right2DefendRights are crucial steps. Additionally, learning more about the Declaration through e-courses and podcasts can enhance understanding and application.

You can find here: The Declaration+25, #Right2DefendRights, and access the Online Course of the International Service for Human Rights.

National and International Actions:

Actions by States

States have a fundamental responsibility in supporting and protecting human rights defenders by ensuring that their domestic laws align with the Declaration. They should remove legal barriers that restrict defenders' rights to freedom of association, assembly, and expression. Adopting the Declaration as a legally binding national instrument can further bolster its effectiveness, allowing for its consistent application by the judiciary and ensuring respect from state authorities. Furthermore, states should monitor and report on the implementation of the Declaration, highlighting both achievements and areas needing improvement. Engaging with civil society to develop and publicize action plans tailored to local contexts can enhance the effectiveness of these efforts. National human rights commissions should be well funded and capable of addressing violations against defenders. Regional oversight bodies can provide additional layers of protection. Ensuring that the judiciary is committed to safeguarding defenders and thoroughly investigating violations is crucial for maintaining accountability. Cooperation with international bodies, such as the Special Representative on human rights defenders, is also essential to ensure that recommendations are addressed and that defenders receive adequate support.

Actions by Non-State Actors

Civil society organizations and the private sector play a vital role in supporting human rights defenders. The media is particularly influential in this regard, as it can help build public support by accurately reporting on the Declaration and the challenges faced by defenders. Media organizations, along with NGOs, can enhance this role by providing training for journalists and securing better access to information on human rights issues. It is also crucial for the media to counteract defamatory statements and misinformation that could endanger defenders. Transnational corporations have a responsibility to respect human rights and should avoid actions that may lead to the repression of defenders who criticize their activities. These corporations should adhere to the principles outlined in the Declaration, advocating for the protection of defenders, especially during trade and other negotiations with States.    

Actions by the United Nations

The United Nations has a crucial role in supporting the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders both at the country and at international levels. At the country level, UN Country Teams should actively promote and implement the Declaration by translating it into local languages and integrating its provisions into national legislation. Engaging with human rights defenders through private meetings allows them to present their concerns and recommendations relevant to UN mandates. UN offices should monitor human rights issues related to their mandates and communicate these concerns to national authorities to ensure defenders' needs are addressed. At the regional and international levels, the UN can strengthen support for human rights defenders by including the Declaration in training programs for staff and analyzing how defenders contribute to supporting UN mandates. Identifying and addressing barriers to their effectiveness is essential. Maintaining strong connections with regional networks and organizations helps the UN stay informed about defenders' protection needs. Acting on reports and recommendations from the Special Representative on human rights defenders reinforces the UN’s commitment to supporting these individuals and upholding global human rights standards.

Actions by Human Rights Defenders

Human rights defenders themselves must uphold high standards of impartiality and transparency to effectively advocate for human rights. Establishing credibility through accurate reporting and adhering to professional practices is essential for maintaining trust and impact. Defenders should also ensure that other organizations in the field follow similar high standards, promoting integrity within the human rights community. Compliance with national laws provided they align with international human rights standards, helps maintain legitimacy and avoids conflicts with authorities. Building and utilizing support networks is crucial for human rights defenders. These networks, which should include other defenders, media, civil society, and private sector actors, provide essential support and facilitate the rapid dissemination of information about threats. Effective communication within these networks ensures that information about human rights abuses is shared and acted upon swiftly. By identifying key issues and developing targeted recommendations for authorities, human rights defenders can advocate effectively for enhanced protection and contribute to broader efforts to uphold human rights.

Click HERE to find more about the protection of human rights defenders in the latest Fact Sheet of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders

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