“ASEAN Peoples Speak”

Southeast Asia


Created by the Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism, the "ASEAN Peoples Speak" podcast was launched to raise awareness about regional human rights protection and to foster dialogue on human rights within the region.

In its first season, the podcast provided a platform for advocates and individuals from vulnerable sectors to share their stories and ideas. The goal was to introduce listeners to various regional issues in an accessible and informal format. The second season delved into the history of human rights within ASEAN, highlighting the progress made and challenges faced across Southeast Asia.

The third season explores the impact of technology, digitization, artificial intelligence (AI), and artificial general intelligence (AGI) on human rights. In an era where people’s lives are shaped by technology, this season addresses questions surrounding AI and AGI utilization. It scrutinizes how emerging technologies can both bolster and undermine the protection of rights.

Listeners can anticipate thought-provoking conversations with experts and stakeholders and will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age within the ASEAN context. This season is meant to be an informative resource for the general ASEAN population about emerging human rights issues in the age of technology and digitization and to empower listeners with knowledge and perspectives that encourage active participation and engagement in shaping the future of human rights in this rapidly evolving environment. It also offers a look at the intersection of technology and human rights to inspire dialogue, understanding, and action, ensuring that human rights remain a primary concern within Southeast Asia and throughout the global community.

Video Episode 7

ASEAN People Speak Podcast

Video Episode 1

ASEAN Peoples Speak Podcast

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