Human Rights Situation

in Cuba 

An interview with activist and caricaturist Anamely Ramos González

Anamely Ramos González is a Cuban human rights activist and one of the most visible faces of the "Movimiento San Isidro". Movimiento was founded in 2018 by artists and intellectuals and is part of the Cuban dissidence working for the freedom of Cuba.

In the interview, Anamely Ramos González tells her personal story. She wants people to know what is happening on the island. She speaks about the systematic violation of human rights in Cuba. She went to Argentina, but could not return to Cuba after having received awards for her work as a caricaturist in the United States. Other activists are unable to return to Cuba as well after having left the country for various reasons, whether they were medical or work-related.

Anamely describes how Cuban citizens deal with the persecution policies of the government and how the imprisoned Cubans survive. The activist also gives an interesting insight into the Cuban regime’s financial resources and funding. Which role do Cubans outside the country play?

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Justice and accountability

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