Justice Illustrated


Your rights during interrogation and detention

In every society, understanding one's rights during an arrest is important. In some societies, it is crucial. But many people lack this knowledge. The FNF Tunisia, in collaboration with the Observatory on violations of freedom of opinion and expression, has published an illustrated flyer as a practical guide to address this gap. A comic strip provides accessible information on detainees’ rights during interrogation and detention.

The project was developed in two key phases:

Legal consultation

The FNF Tunisia collaborated with a legal expert, specializing in criminal law, to get insights on the following issues:

  • The right to legal representation
  • Access to medical care
  • Prohibition of violent interrogation
  • The seizure of personal devices and electronics
  • Individual investigations and intimate examinations

Comic strip creation

The FNF Tunisia tasked a cartoonist with the creation of an engaging and informative flyer featuring:

  • Clear explanations of each right
  • Illustrations of practical situations
  • Practical tips and guidance
  • Multilingual versions

This project combines legal expertise with creative communication, as a contribution to a more equitable society. It aims at informing and empowering individuals, promoting fairness, preventing abuse, reducing police blunders, fostering legal literacy, and enhancing community trust.

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Justice and accountability

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