International Human Rights Treaties


In the current Tunisian political context, where the democratic transition has faced threats since 2021, FNF Tunis and the Union des Magistrats Administratifs 'UMA' joined forces to strengthen the capacity and independence of administrative magistrates.

In 2023, FNF and UMA co-organized a series of dynamic seminars called 'Empowering Administrative Judges for Human Rights Advocacy.' These events explored the pillars of democracy, human rights, international law, and Tunisia's commitment to human rights protection. They highlighted the crucial role administrative judges play in executing international agreements and ensuring jurisdictional control over human rights protection.

Practical exercises brought theory to life, addressing the right to participate in public life and immersing participants in a compelling case study concerning the rights and conditions of foreigners in Tunisia. Another focus of the 2023 seminars was Article 55 of the Tunisian Constitution 2022, which serves as an indispensable legal stronghold for protecting rights and freedoms. Administrative judges were armed with the legal acumen required to protect these fundamental rights effectively.

The collaborative workshops showcased the pivotal role played by administrative judges in protecting rights and freedoms. Through engaging discussions and practical exercises, magistrates improved their knowledge and acquired tools to uphold constitutional principles. The organizers believe they are now better equipped to bolster human rights protection and preserve judicial independence despite the challenges Tunisian democracy has been facing since 2021.

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Human rights education

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