Surviving instability and conflict in pursuit of human rights


As part of an ongoing partnership with Foundation Rene Cassin and FNF in West Africa, the FNF regional project offered a seminar for multiple stakeholders working in human rights as well as representatives from government and security agencies. The certificated training addressed issues of security and encouraged stakeholder collaboration to initiate positive change in the interests of the people of Mozambique and the country.

The training was held in collaboration with the French Embassy to Mozambique and Eswatini, which supports human rights organizations with their work in the community and, more importantly, through their engagement with government. Mozambique has been at the forefront of global news as a result of the growing insurgency in the northern part of the country. This situation has resulted in a humanitarian crisis, gross instability and the displacement and killing of innocent civilians.

The seminar also covered the prevailing occurrences of forced disappearances against the backdrop of armed conflict and how this practice impacts human rights in the context of a refugee crisis. Through working together, the various stakeholders were able to foster trust and garner a more effective result. Within a legal framework, international law instruments were applied to current scenarios, assessed and discussed. Are they still relevant and effective? How can they be benchmarked to ensure accountability and action to ultimately protect and defend the ordinary citizens of Mozambique?

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