Towards youth empowerment from a human rights perspective


Series of two-day workshops. In partnership with the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR)

In 2022, the FNF Egypt in cooperation with EOHR conducted a project to enhance awareness among citizens on human rights. The project included a two-day workshop series aimed at promoting human rights and citizenship among young leaders. The main objectives are to develop youth awareness of human rights and to enhance their understanding and commitment to responsible citizenship. They can be achieved through capacity building and empowering young leaders by increasing their knowledge and skills, enabling them to actively promote and advocate for human rights principles to contribute to the development of society.

The focus of the project lies on increasing public awareness of the National Strategy for Human Rights, with the intention to foster a broader understanding and support for the principles and values adopted in the strategy. Additionally, the project seeks to encourage civil society organizations to play a more active role in spreading the culture and awareness of human rights. The participating organizations possess the necessary resources and networks to effectively engage with various segments of society, thereby amplifying the impact of human rights advocacy efforts.

The project's educational content reflects a comprehensive approach to addressing human rights issues. It provides clear concepts of human rights, including definitions and basic principles, further strengthened by exploring the legislative frameworks and international and regional commitments of Egypt in the field of human rights. Such knowledge is vital for activists and organizations to effectively advocate for and uphold human rights within their respective contexts.

The workshop's agenda also emphasizes the role of institutions, including media, academia, government, and religious entities, in raising awareness of human rights. It presents insights into the strategies and approaches that institutions can employ to effectively promote human rights among various stakeholders. Furthermore, it highlights the crucial role of civil society and human rights organizations in upholding and promoting the values of a human rights culture.

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Human rights education

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