Another House


"Another House" is a compelling and thought-provoking documentary that delves deeply into the lives of LGBTQI+ individuals from Georgia who have been forced to flee their homeland due to rampant homophobia and transphobia. This powerful film follows them on their difficult paths as they seek refuge and acceptance in foreign countries, highlighting the challenges they face and the hope they hold.

The film begins by setting the stage, providing a thorough understanding of the political and social landscape in Georgia. It explores the country’s poverty rate, political manipulation of LGBTQI+ issues and the alarming rise of pro-Russian extremist groups. These factors contribute to an environment where LGBTQI+ individuals are marginalized and subjected to discrimination and violence.

The heart of the documentary, however, lies in the personal stories told by queer emigrants. Through interviews with Tengo Eminashvili, Selena Bukhaidze, and Gvantsa Chivadze, viewers are taken on a journey of self-discovery and resilience.

“Every time I woke up. I was like, “Hey, I woke up again and I have to be in that stress again”

– Tazo, a protagonist of the film –

“It was very difficult to accept myself, because nobody would accept me for who I was.”

– Gvantsa, a protagonist of the film –

“I want to mix with people, to have relationships with people.”

– Selena, a protagonist of the film –

“Every time I woke up. I was like, “Hey, I woke up again and I have to be in that stress again”

– Tazo –

a protagonist of the film

“It was very difficult to accept myself, because nobody would accept me for who I was.”

– Gvantsa –

a protagonist of the film

“I want to mix with people, to have relationships with people.”

– Selena –

a protagonist of the film

Ein Angebot der

Tolerance for diversity

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