On the Case


Chapter Four Uganda for all human rights

On October 2, 2023 the Constitutional Court of Uganda commenced the hearing of three petitions challenging the draconian Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023. In May 2023, Chapter Four Uganda worked with partners to file Constitutional Petition Nr. 14 of 2023, to challenge the law shortly after President Yoweri Museveni had signed it. Two further petitions have since been filed, bringing the total number of petitions challenging the law to three.

In addition to criminalizing adult same-sex consensual acts, the law contains several provisions that are couched in vague phrases to criminalize sexual orientation and gender identity. It further prohibits the "promotion of homosexuality" in catch-all phrases that criminalize allyship with the LGBTQI+ community, provision of healthcare services, legal services, housing, and office space, among others. The Anti-Homosexuality Act is a violation of the fundamental freedoms of association, expression, the right to practice one’s profession, and other economic rights.

London Pride 2016. Hundreds of people in fancy dress took part in the parade, while thousands lined the streets of London, to celebrate London Pride 2016.

The debate and passing of the law fueled a spike in the number of human rights violations against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. The most common incidents include forced evictions, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, for example through forced anal examinations.

FNF works together with Chapter Four Uganda in their efforts to continue to be the platform for advocating for everyone’s rights in the interests of the people of Uganda. A violation of one or more of the fundamental human rights remains a threat to creating an enabling and participatory environment for citizen engagement and respect of their being.

Gay Pride, Uganda, Africa 2014. Held in secret by Lake Victoria, Entebbe, following ruling of new homosexuality laws in Uganda by the governments of Museveni.

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