LGBTQI+ in Politics


Taiwan can be seen as a leader in LGBTQI+ rights in Asia, with great progress in recognizing and protecting LGBTQI+ individuals. For Pride Month 2023, four interviewees from political and social organizations were asked about the developments in Taiwan regarding LGBTQI+ representation in politics, the progress in achieving greater visibility and acceptance of queer people in politics, and about existing challenges and future visions.

One of our interviewees was Joyce Teng from Taiwan Equality Campaign, who aims at eliminating gender inequality and promote diversity.

Short excerpt of the interview with Joyce Teng:

How would you describe the current state of queer people’s representation in politics in Taiwan?

In Taiwan, there are about 11,000 public seats to be elected. However, currently there are only two openly out LGBTQI + persons in those seats. Therefore, the representation is very low. That is why we should and want to improve, because people say Taiwan is in a leading position. But when we look in the political field, it is not the situation.

How would you describe the current state of queer people’s representation in politics in Taiwan?

When we communicate with some city councilors under the radar, they come out to us. But when trying to make it public, they face difficulties from supporters who may also know about their sexual orientation but ask them to not reveal themselves. Therefore, that would be an obstacle. To encourage queer people who want to participate in politics, we need to have the materials and narrative to communicate with the supporters. I think that will be our next step […].

How does Taiwan Equality Campaign contribute to promoting diversity in Taiwan’s political landscape?

[…] We have a website called “Pride Watch”, meaning we want to watch during the elections who is supporting pride. It shows Taiwan’s map, and you can see in different districts which candidate is friendly. It is actually a voters’ guideline, so voters would know, if they want to support this issue, which person they can vote for.

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Tolerance for diversity

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