
Strengthening Human Rights

Strengthening Human Rights

“Justice and Rule of Law” was the title of a four-day training for Senegalese judges and attorneys hosted by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), the Strasbourg-based Foundation ‚Rene Cassin-International Institute for Human Rights‘, the Senegalese High Court and the Dakar Bar Association. The objective was to offer an in-depth training course on international criminal law and human rights for already highly qualified professionals. During the four-day session, renowned international experts gave lectures on key international human rights treaties, their compliance and their incorporation into the Senegalese legal framework. The workshop strengthened the participants' understanding of all three aforementioned points, the new challenges that affect the international protection of human rights as well as the application of international criminal law. 

Lecture on international human rights treaties

Participants at the closing ceremony of the FNF training session

Participants at the opening of the expert workshop in the Senegalese Supreme Court

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Human rights education

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