Vladimir Kara-Murza


Vladimir Kara-Murza

Vladimir Kara-Murza is a politician and human rights defender, who is also known for his Magnitsky Act adopted in the US Congress in 2012 imposing sanctions on those who commit gross violations of human rights in Russian, as well as around the world. Many countries around the world have started to adopt such a law as a progressive measure in prevention human rights violations, especially by the corrupt and undemocratic states officials. 


Vladimir Kara-Murza is a politician and human rights defender, who is also known for his Magnitsky Act adopted in the US Congress in 2012 imposing sanctions on those who commit gross violations of human rights in Russian, as well as around the world. Many countries around the world have started to adopt such a law as a progressive measure in prevention human rights violations, especially by the corrupt and undemocratic states officials. 

In our interview with pro-democracy human rights defenders last year, Vladimir Kara-Murza explained in one sentence that: “We want Russia to be a country free from fear, a country of freedom, a country of dignity.” In the wake of Russia’s aggressive invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the regime in Kremlin also fortified the crackdown of Russian dissident, journalists und oppositions to the war against the people of Ukraine.

On 11 April 2022, Vladimir Kara-Murza, a prominent Russian opposition and critic of the kleptocratic and authoritarian regime of Putin, was arrested for his voice against the war and the committed war crimes and crimes against humanity on the territory of Ukraine. On 15 March 2022, Kara-Murza appeared before the Arizona House Democrats in the United States and criticized the unwarranted aggression against Ukraine, and stated that the whole world sees what Putin’s regime is doing to Ukraine. He called the regime’s dropping bombs on residential areas, on hospitals and schools as war crimes.

Kara-Murza was alleged with the so-called “inappropriate behavior” against the police, and pursuant to his detention, a local court in Moscow sentenced him for 15 days in jail and was supposed to be released on 25 April 2022. His lawyer, Vadim Prokhorov, has already rejected all these minor allegations as baseless and that the police arrested him in front of his apartment as soon as he stepped out of his door. No doubt that this is a clear state repression against freedom of expression and conscience.

On 22 April 2022, not only was he kept in detention the detention, but also charged by the Russian Investigation Committee with intentionally spreading “false information” about the Russian army under a draconian law passed by the Russian parliament on 4 March 2022, which presumably imposes 10 to 15 years of imprisonment for the above so-called crime. Meanwhile the Russian Ministry of Justice declared Kara-Murza as a “foreign agent” and imposed stringent financial reporting requirements on his activities to the said Ministry. This not only affects his ability to conclude any deals, but also subject any of his activities to the striking states surveillance. Vladimir Kara-Murza is a politician and human rights defender, who is also known for his Magnitsky Act adopted in the US Congress in 2012 imposing sanctions on those who commit gross violations of human rights in Russian, as well as around the world. Many countries around the world have started to adopt such a law as a progressive measure in prevention human rights violations, especially by the corrupt and undemocratic states officials. Kara-Murza has previously survived two fatal attempts to his life, by poisoning, for his belief and battle for democracy and the rule of law. “In Russia, the biggest gift that opponents of the regime could give Kremlin would be to leave.” These are the inspiring words of Vladimir Kara-Murza during the UN Summit on Human Rights and Democracy in 2021. 

The case of Kara-Murza is still in pre-trial stages. Right now, his lawyers are fighting for his rights to a fair and impartial trial, which seem implausible in the current context.

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