Press Freedom


Safe journalism in contexts of violence

Ecuador has seen a dramatic rise in violence in recent years, with homicide rates soaring from 13.7 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2021 to 43 in 2023. This surge has directly affected press freedom. The murder of journalist and presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio in 2023 illustrates the dangers faced by those who expose corruption and challenge organized crime. Journalists are increasingly threatened by organized crime, making the press more vulnerable than ever. Fundamedios reports a rise in threats, (gender-based) attacks, and self-censorship, while organized crime continues to infiltrate state institutions.

In response to these threats, Fundamedios and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, with the support of the Cotopaxi Journalists' Association and the National Federation of Journalists of Ecuador, organized two workshops titled "Safe Journalism in Contexts of Violence". These workshops trained journalists, especially those in remote areas, on human rights, international standards, and protective measures. The initiative highlights the vital role of journalism in fostering an informed and democratic society, especially amid rising violence and criminality.

Participants explored international human rights treaties and standards regarding freedom of expression, press and related rights. They also examined the recent institutionalization of the State Mechanism for the Prevention and Protection of Journalistic Work. The workshops included practical exercises on risk analysis and emphasized the importance of internal protocols to protect journalists during fieldwork.

This initiative not only improved knowledge of human rights and safe reporting practices, but also provided a platform for professional journalists and students to exchange ideas. Professors at the event expressed keen interest in how academia can support the development of ethical and safe journalism, dedicated to upholding democracy in Ecuador.

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Freedom of expression and the media

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