Empowering Women for Independence


In 2022, FNF Vietnam and the Center for Women and Development (CWD), an organization that supports Vietnamese women in different fields, continued their collaborative efforts to empower disadvantaged women. Through a series of comprehensive training courses, over 200 women gained essential skills in decision-making, marketing, and business management, fostering their economic independence. The courses covered gender knowledge, financial management, and marketing skills, with a particular emphasis on small and micro enterprises owned by women who had been victims of domestic violence or trafficking and were supported by CWD. Notably, the project documented its insights and experiences in a handbook, accessible to women in the community.

Participants not only acquired new skills and knowledge, but also transformed their lives by establishing their own businesses. They launched endeavors like homestays, seed sales or product enhancements and improved their sales and marketing strategies, leading to economic growth and gender equality. Furthermore, participants established a supportive network through a social media group, enhancing their daily lives and entrepreneurial journeys.

The project remains dedicated to empowering women and paving the way for a brighter, more equitable future. Through compassion and commitment to change, FNF Vietnam and CWD strive to make a lasting impact on the lives of women facing adversity, nurturing their independence and hope for a better tomorrow.

A success story from the training course: Ms. Tapos, one of the participants, witnessed aloe vera wastage in Ninh Thuan. Looking for change, she ventured into aloe vera coconut jelly production, facing many challenges. Her transformation soared during the “Capacity Building to Support Women in Sustainable Economic Development” in November 2021. Equipped with new knowledge, she started to create impactful and successful products. In 2022, Ms. Tapos not only continued her journey but also became a teaching assistant for the course, sharing her story and experiences with peers.

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Business and human rights

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