Freedom of Speech goes Visual


Visual Storytelling Workshop

A Poem About Pain – Pan Htwar Tun Oo

Ruby – Po Po Phoo Pyae Aung

Thuma – Nant May Flower

How do you convey complex information? How would you reveal perspectives on pressing issues when your country has restricted freedom of speech? Visualization helps. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Myanmar Office supports those who want to address sensitive issues in a creative format: a photo/visual storytelling workshop.

The 10-day workshop engaged nine amateur female photographers, carefully selected from 78 applicants, through a theme called “Women At Work”. The participants learned the art of integrating photography and storytelling from artist Shwe Wutt Hmon. They all pursued their own photo projects, visualizing stories of changing social norms, women-led businesses, barriers for women to work in a formal sector, preference of education over jobs, and unpaid care work.

After the workshop, the participants spent another two weeks finishing their projects. They conceptualized their topics, took hundreds of photos to express their ideas, received individual coaching on photography and idea development, and finally edited a selection of 10-15 photos with Shwe Wutt Hmon to complete their essays.

“A picture is worth a thousand words”: These photo essays not only capture the participants’ thoughts on how they live their lives amidst restrictive norms. They are also empowering, since they enable them to portray their lives and perspectives through their lens. FNF Myanmar Office launched these photo projects digitally as well as physically in Yangon in November.

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Business and human rights

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