Section 16

South Africa

17 May protests

“The right to freedom of expression
does not extend to incitement of violence and
advocacy of hatred.”

– Emillie Gambade –

In a world where media’s credibility is called into question and where fake news spread like wildfire, the work of investigative journalists is imperative. Their presence on social media often serves as an important counterweight to disinformation. However, the digital world has become an increasingly hostile environment for defenders of the truth. In an unregulated space, a battle ensues between journalists who tackle hard-hitting stories and bullies who are deployed to draw attention away from the story to the storyteller. Where the storytellers are women, the vitriol and attacks are often even more intense.

FNF South Africa supported the Daily Maverick, a South African online news publication and weekly print newspaper, in the production of Section 16, a film that highlights the personal stories and exceptional work of four extraordinary female journalists in South Africa: Ferial Haffajee, Marianne Thamm, Pauli van Wyk and Caryn Dolley. The feature film documents not just their stories, but also the experience of the storytellers. It explores questions such as: what suddenly shifted the discourse around the stories published? What sparked the attacks and made them so personal and vicious? And still, it is also a tale of hope, inspiration, resilience and incredible strength – especially in challenging times.

Emilie Gambade is a multimedia journalist, filmmaker and the editor of Maverick Life, the life and culture section of the Daily Maverick, South Africa. Gambade was the editor-in-chief of ELLE & ELLE Decoration South Africa. She is the co-director and producer of Section 16, a short film on online violence against four female South African journalists.

Malibongwe Tyilo is a writer, multimedia journalist, filmmaker, and the associate editor of Maverick Life, with interests in the arts, design, fashion and culture. He is the co-director, cinematographer and editor on Section 16.

SECTION 16 – (Trailer 2023)

Beatnik ADMC

SECTION 16 – (Trailer 2023)

Beatnik ADMC

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Freedom of expression and the media

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