Justice for All


Breaking the impunity cycle through crime reporting

In Mexico, the level of impunity is as high as about 96%. This number implies that only very few crimes are solved or lead to a conviction. Victims find that trials take too much time and that they often face violations of their rights. They also struggle with corruption when reporting a crime. In addition, the complaint procedures are often complex. They are not well explained, and there are not any user-friendly systems to promote a culture of crime reporting. While impunity relates to the lack of resolution by the authorities, it is also demonstrated that citizens do not report crimes.

Many people in Mexico have stopped reporting crimes. They do not trust the system and its effectiveness anymore. Reporting a crime is often perceived as a waste of time.

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s for Freedom justice workshops, conducted with the organization Impunidad Cero (Zero Impunity – an organization combating impunity), aim at breaking the cycle of impunity by promoting a culture of reporting crimes. Using customized infographics and easy-to-read guides with images that explain the technicalities of the complicated crime language, the workshops seek to create a series of steps to report crimes such as robbery, extortion, domestic violence, digital violence, and corruption.

Rights of migrants who are victims of crimes

The workshops have been conducted online for people in Mexico, especially women. Several authorities who collaborate with prosecutors' offices have also participated, as an opportunity to develop greater empathy with the victims.

More artwork created by chbsk: https://www.behance.net/chbsk

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Justice and accountability

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