Human Rights Hub

in Geneva

In 2023, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation has established its Human Rights Hub in Geneva.

The 12-meter-high wooden sculpture Broken Chair towers over the square in front of the United Nations Office in Geneva. It is a memorial for the victims of landmines and a staunch reminder of the importance of human rights: they are indispensable for a safe life in a stable society.

In 2023, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom established a Human Rights Hub not far from the Palais des Nations. The purpose of the Hub is to promote respect for and compliance with human rights and to strengthen the rules-based international legal order. The Foundation is thereby responding to the increasing threat to liberal democracies and the deterioration of the human rights situation worldwide.

The Human Rights Hub has the strategic goal of becoming a leading institution in the field of human rights. Its primary task is to support human rights defenders and civil societies in their pursuit of the rule of law. It will advocate for a free flow of information in the digital space, without state surveillance or persecution, and champion political participation, especially of women.

To this end, publications will provide up-to-date human rights information, and dialogue programs will offer partners and players from areas like politics, law, media, NGOs and education the opportunity to connect – both with each other and with UN organizations. Because human rights are universal. As long as this principle is not implemented everywhere, the Human Rights Hub in Geneva will keep working towards it.

Human Rights Work of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation

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Human Rights Hub

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