Alliance of Her

A strong network that is growing

The "Alliance Of Her" has already trained over 200 liberal female politicians. Many of them are now ministers, members of the European Parliament, members of national and regional parliaments or fight for the best political ideas at local level as mayors or in other important political positions. At the Alumnae Summit in Amsterdam, the former graduates came together to celebrate past successes and look to the future together. One thing quickly became clear: the road to adequate representation of women in politics may still be a long one, but no one is thinking of giving up.

The Alliance of Her is a training academy dedicated to promoting female political leaders throughout Europe. At the Alumnae Summit in Amsterdam, graduates from different years came together to share experiences, success stories and challenges they have faced in their political careers. Since the liberal project partners of the ALDE Party, the European Liberal Forum and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation founded the "Alliance of Her" (formerly known as the "European Women's Academy") in 2016, more than 200 liberal women in Eastern and Western Europe have been trained to successfully assert themselves in politics and take their place at the decision-making table.

The "Alliance of Her" as a talent hub

The success stories of the former participants give courage that change is possible. Four graduates who are now ministers in their respective countries spoke at the opening panel alone. Education and Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger from Germany ("Alliance of Her" graduating class of 2016), Estonian Culture Minister Heidy Purga ("Alliance of Her" graduating class of 2017), Swedish Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari ("Alliance of Her" graduating class of 2022) and, connected online, the Danish Minister for Digital and Gender Equality, Marie Bjerre ("Alliance of Her" graduating class of 2018).

The Alliance of Her is a training academy dedicated to promoting female political leaders throughout Europe. At the Alumnae Summit in Amsterdam, graduates from different years came together to share experiences, success stories and challenges they have faced in their political careers. Since the liberal project partners of the ALDE Party, the European Liberal Forum and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation founded the "Alliance of Her" (formerly known as the "European Women's Academy") in 2016, more than 200 liberal women in Eastern and Western Europe have been trained to successfully assert themselves in politics and take their place at the decision-making table.

"Women in Politics Champion of the Year" award ceremony

Another highlight of the Alumnae Summit was the presentation of the "Women in Politics Champion of the Year" award, which is given to individuals or groups who have made an outstanding contribution to gender equality in Europe. Of the many nominations submitted for this year's award, Abir Al-Sahlani impressed the jury the most. The Swedish MEP made international headlines last fall when she cut off her hair in the European Parliament as a gesture of solidarity with the women's protests in Iran. In her acceptance speech, Al-Sahlani made it clear that it must be about standing up for women and other vulnerable groups in all countries, regardless of their origin, ethnicity or religion.

The future of the "Alliance of Her"

Although more and more women hold political office in Europe, they continue to experience greater discrimination than their male counterparts, undermining their mandates and making it more difficult for them to assert themselves as leaders and decision-makers. For the liberal partners of the ALDE party, the European Liberal Forum and the FNF, this is reason enough to not only continue the Alliance of Her, but to expand the program. The first offshoot of the Alliance of Her, which specifically trains liberal women in the Western Balkans, already took place in the fall of 2023. The successful program is to be continued in the coming years.

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Women’s rights

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